
This site tells a story… it is the story of my life. Strictly for entertainment purposes! I started the site for my children, who think I led a colorful life worth knowing about.

Linda at South ForkThe story starts in a hospital in Oakland, California, and meanders around California – mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area. Home sweet home… and I miss it, since I’ve moved north to Idaho now.

All the memoirs on this site will relate to California, and childhood.

That will have a broad interpretation but since I always lived in California until the year I turned 61, I believe this will work for me. I’ve taken trips out of state and may sometimes write about them… so I’m not guaranteeing that every memoir here will be about something that happened in California. In general, overall, my life was as a Californian.

You’ll find my interpretation of what constitutes childhood to be broad. This site will have my own childhood memories, then memories about my children’s childhoods, and finally, after my youngest turns eighteen (which happened in 2008) this site will relate the joy of my second childhood, for at this point in my life I finally get to do things for myself again, after having lived for my kids for over thirty years. My oldest is 40+ and my youngest, now a young adult.

Welcome to the site. The first tiny bit was posted on March 5, 2010. The story starts here: The Big Abandoned Tractor.

More About Me

I’m a writer. My first novel to be published is River Girl. It is available on Amazon and the Kindle version is only 99 cents. I &heart; Kindle.

My writing website is here: Linda Jo Martin.

I also have a lot of other sites, listed here: LJ Martin Web.