Today Robin Svedi of Squidoo HQ posted a short interview about my contributor niche, autobiographies and memoirs. As a contributor I post and promote reviews of books people write about themselves.
LindaJM is the “Autobiography and Memoir Bookworm” Contributor on Squidoo
Robin wrote: “Today we’re very pleased to introduce you to LindaJM. She’s our “Autobiography and Memoir Bookworm” Contributor on Squidoo.”
I’ve been writing for since 2007. Earlier this year I was appointed the Autobiography and Memoir Bookworm Contributor, which involves a lot of social media promotion plus reading and writing about books in this niche. Most recently I read a book about polygamy and posted reviews in two places:
First I wrote this book review on
Polygamy Exposed Via Memoirs of Former Wives
Fifty Years in Polygamy is a memoir that opens the door to understanding the Allred family of polygamists. The author, Kristyn Decker, a seventh-generation polygamist, was born with another name: Sophia Allred. Her father was the Mormon “prophet” for a group of polygamists in Utah. Their group broke away from the Fundamentalist LDS church.
Next I created a video book review for YouTube:
UPDATE – August 23, 2014 – Squidoo is leaving the internet! Shock! Shock! … so I’ve transferred the interview over here so it won’t be lost:
Tell us a little bit about your niche topic.
My niche is for books about people writing about themselves. Autobiographies are usually written by famous people who want to tell their life stories, so people will have more information on their childhoods up through their present lives. Memoirs are usually written by less prominent people to focus on one aspect of life, one issue, one set of circumstances that others will identify with.
Tell us about the moment you fell in love with your topic. Was it an immediate thing or did it happen over time?
I was asked by one of my children to write a memoir, and so I started reading them. Before long, I was hooked. I love reading memoirs and autobiographies! It is a great way to learn the intimate details of someone else’s life. Nobody can write about an experience nearly so well as the person living through it.
Who had the most influence in your life?
My parents are the most influential people in my life, but if I had to choose just one author – it would have to be Julia Cameron, author of “The Artist’s Way.” Her encouragement for creative people helped set many thousands free of whatever might be holding them back from success. If you want to be creative in any area of life, her books can help overcome any inner resistance encountered.
You’ll also find our Autobiography and Memoir Bookworm at the following sites:
Linda Jo Martin: Book Lady and Writer
Memoirs – Reading & Writing Them
The Book Lady Channel
About Robin Svedi
Robin Svedi aka rms is a Community Organizer and member of the Creative Team at where her daily mission is to help lensmasters build better and more successful lenses about the things they know and love.
cps came to my house with a claim that my child was born with cocaine and oxi in his umbilical cord. i was astonished to find this out as i am not a drug use and have no drug history. i immediately called my doctor and questioned how this could be possible. she gave me a statement telling me that the pxs that i have taken through out my pregnancy can cause both these false positives. when i relaed this information to the worker she told me that its not true and if i dont admit to being a drug user and agree to do drug testing and other things or if i try to fight it that she will take my children away. is there any advice for my situation?
Yes, get documentary evidence that your prescriptions can produce a false positive. Subpoena your doctor to a hearing.
In the future please put CPS questions on my FightCPS site, not here. This is my writing and book blog.