God laid it on my heart to post this here… otherwise I would not be doing it. However I asked Him for inspiration on what to blog about this week, and when I get inspiration from Him I should do as suggested.
This is copied from my March 18 journal entry, with a few changes:

This is what the scene looked like in my vision. Three angels surrounded the man I knew, and the spirit of God flowed down from on high. I did not see the face of God…a good thing as it was written in the Bible – “He said, ‘You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.'” (Exodus 33:20)
This morning before I was fully awake I participated in an awakening vision. I was in Heaven in the beautiful dwelling Jesus had prepared for me. I received a message – a summons to go to the presence of God.
I arrived there and was seated on the side of the room to observe as three angels approached the Lord with a man I used to know. The angels surrounded him and presented him before the Lord.
God told him I could take him home for healing in my house, but the man turned to me and pointed, accusing me of terrible things. Then God said “My servant (meaning me) should not be subjected to accusations.”
God said, “I will send him back to where he came from.” (Some lesser kingdom, or hell, perhaps.)
That was the scenario of our relationship, condensed into about two minutes, in a vision.
Accusers are infected with a satanic spirit – this I know because the name Satan means accuser.
I met this man when he was in pain and suffering, barely able to walk, nearly penniless and without any income. He was living, temporarily, on the side of the Klamath River. I took him home because I worried he would die out there next to the river, but he criticized everything about me, and accused me of many things I had no part in, things I’d never even considered doing or being. It took me several years to understand this was verbal abuse, but even then he would not leave because he was still without a regular income.
[Yes, this is the thanks I got after rescuing him in his time of need.]Eventually he destroyed our relationship with his mouth, to the point where I could not tolerate his frequent unprovoked outbursts . . . and I appealed to God for help.
A few months later we parted company, and he went back to where he came from. As it should be.
It makes me feel good, and so loved, to know that God will not allow someone to continue to abuse me verbally/emotionally/mentally. He heard my prayer for help and rescued me from that situation… and once I was free I thanked Him, and He saved me. I’m a born-again Christian now… so that situation will never happen in my life again.
Jesus is watching over me as He always has, but now I’ve given what’s left of this life, to Him. It feels good to know I’ve got a High Priest in Heaven who loves me as I am, whose love never fails, and who will never leave me hopeless or alone.
He loves all of us. He came for sinners, not for perfect people.
Back when I became a Christian (about 21 months ago) a friend told me this well-known saying: “The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.” Jesus came to heal broken hearts, and He healed mine.
I have a word of advice for women who find apparently helpless men broke and sick on the side of rivers or roads: leave them there. They’re there for a reason. If you take these men home with you, they’ll tear your life apart just as theirs has been torn apart by their bad choices. Misery loves company.
And another word of advice for single older women: almost all the good men were taken a long time ago. The single older men you’ll be most likely to find are the ones who couldn’t hold a relationship together because of their personality problems. There must be a few exceptions, for example, widowers who are good men who inadvertently lost their wives after a long, happy marriage . . . but in general they’ll prefer to date widows who can understand and commiserate with their grief. So, the best solution for the rest of us is to stay single because most of what’s out there isn’t worth having. Maybe if they became Christian and let the Holy Spirit heal their hearts, they’d be worth having, but that’s still an “if” and not one I want to risk my peaceful life for.
Refer these broke, starving, sick, injured and pathetic men to other men for help, and to Jesus, who loves them all and will help if asked. Do not allow a man to take advantage of you because he’s unable to take care of himself. I learned the hard way; I hope you won’t have to.
And here’s a word of advice to anyone looking for love: if your potential mate has a habit of being critical, that’s a red flag. If you keep that person in your life, eventually you will be the one being criticized.
Beware of narcissists. They’ll put you on a pedestal and adore you at first, but once they know you’re emotionally attached to them, they’ll start revealing who they really are, and it isn’t good.
To the ex-friend, if you ever have the audacity and temerity to read my blog: Yes, you’re right, you are cursed. You cursed yourself. You can find information about the curse in the book of Genesis. Happy hunting. Good luck, and have a good life. You are forgiven (by me, anyhow).
To women… read 2 Timothy 3:1-9… there are many men out there who will go from woman to woman looking for someone to take care of them. This Bible passage describes them to a T:
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
I have been that gullible woman. Please take heed. You do NOT want to be that woman. Create safe boundaries and stay within them. Protect yourselves.
Follow Linda Jo Martin, Book Lady’s board Reminds Me of My EX on Pinterest.
You are awesome
Thank you for following the Lords direction.
The Lord has spoken to me though you in many ways.
Your struggles have not been in vain.
You truly are being his hands and feet.
Isn’t he amazing?
Karin, thanks so much for your comment! I’m glad what I wrote helped… yes, the Lord is awesome. He is helping me, providing for all my needs, in ways that are unexpected and amazing. Trust in the Lord is everything…. He won’t let me down. I will never regret turning my life over to Him.
Thank you for opening your heart and sharing that, Linda. So many women I’ve met could have been spared a life of grief it they had been able to read and heed you advice before making a wrong decision. I do still pray for you and the needs you have.
Thanks so much, Barbara… my online life has been blessed by you many times! It is hard for women to heed advice like this when they feel emotionally needy. Jesus can take care of that. Since I met Him I haven’t had the problem at all.
Sorry if I sound kind of harsh toward the end of that post. I’m living a harsh life right now and it comes through sometimes. One would probably have to know what it’s like to live with an emotionally abusive person to really understand the difficulties involved in recovery. These are some things I learned and I took this moment to share them.