November 5: – I created an editorial calendar a few days ago using Google Calendar. I have so many sites I write for now, I had to give myself four to five tasks daily for six days. My only regular Sunday task is to clear out my email; I use Outlook Express, and it gets cluttered easily. Lately it seems spam has increased dramatically. I need to set more message rules to get that under control again! I may also save most fiction writing tasks for Sunday as well.
The rest of the week is full to the brim. I’m not one of those bloggers that can get away with writing one great post twice weekly. If I had a huge readership and speaking engagements and notoriety, that might work. But no… I’m one of those bloggers who needs to work myself into the ground to make enough money to live on. I now have twenty-seven domains – many of which are blogs. Some are undeveloped web properties I have yet to do anything with.
So… trying to stay busy… trying to generate more royalties and residual income. Since I can’t seem to get a job, I consider it a definite blessing that I can write online. I’m now monetizing my sites – most of which have never been monetized before, including this one. I’m actually surprised to be pulling in a small income from a couple of them!
Oh, that reminds me … a few days ago I created an editorial calendar for Literature For Kids. There will be monthly issues starting January 1, 2011, IF I can get some submissions. So far I’ve had only two submissions – one story and one poem. This clearly isn’t enough; I’m willing to write the articles, but really need help with some fiction! Are there any creative minds out there who write for children under age twelve? If so, please consider submitting. I’d seriously be happy to see some new subs in my email in-box.
Meanwhile, back on the farm…
I’m still doing the HubChallenge. So far I’ve finished sixteen hubs. The challenge is to make thirty hubs in thirty days. I’m right on target, where I should be… generally making one hub daily. I’ve posted about this twice already: (1) My First HubPages Hub, and the HubChallenge and (2) Hub Challenge Update #1. I will post another update in a few days, rather than list my new hubs here.
Blogging. Well, I’ve decided to work harder at creating viable rich content on my own sites. This is one reason I’ve set up the editorial calendar. This morning I wrote an article on a topic I find fascinating: Schizophrenia: Chemical Imbalance or Entity Possession?. This contains a link to an article I wrote a few days ago at HubPages on the link between schizophrenia and diabetes.
That’s about all I have to report for today. Until next time . . . .
November 8: – I’ve been working on the January 2011 issue of Literature For Kids (the premier issue) and I’m feeling pretty good about it. In fact, I’m feeling enthusiasm and excitement! I did a painting of a snowman for the cover, and already have him installed on a page. He’s (IMO) gorgeous. It’s done in a style similar to my Emanations From a Playful Imagination… but I used watercolor and pen mediums.
I also decided if I wait for submissions I might have an empty issue… so I’ve decided to write the stories myself. I wrote one about a little girl and a tree that I’m very fond of already. I also pulled a story from my files – originally written way back in 1984 – and put that on the site for the February issue. There are themes.
I’m stretching my creativity, and it feels good after weeks of non-fiction article writing.
November 21: – This is shaping up to be a very good month – and I’m not really experiencing that “running myself ragged” feeling so much now at the end of the month. I think I’ve created a feeling of ‘conditioning’ .. I mean, I’m used to getting more done now. I finished the HubChallenge, aced the Tier One Challenge, and am working with delight on the winter issue of Literature For Kids – it should be a great experience after all… submissions are pouring in and I’m very happy with the quality of what I’ve read so far.
A couple days ago I posted my first article at Ezine Articles … one that will link to Literature For Kids. I’m waiting for that to be approved, so no link yet.
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