If your loved one is an audiobook loving person, this could be the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. I confess, I gave it to myself last year, and I’ve enjoyed it so much, I’m doing the same thing this year.
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Pulitzer Prize Winning Novels – How Many Have You Read?
I use this page to keep track of Pulitzer prize winning fiction I’ve read. At this point, I haven’t read very many, but I’d like to read more. Let me know how many of these you’ve read and what you recommend or don’t recommend. If you’re a blogger, make your own page and comment here with a link to your blog’s Pulitzer Prize fiction page.
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I Finished the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2020!
Oh, happy me… I finished the 2020 PopSugar Reading Challenge on December 29, 2020 at 6:41pm. This page lists books I read that fit the prompts of the challenge. I started the page in January and modified it all year long as I read the challenge books.
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Seven Romance Novels I’ve Read and Can Recommend
Today I noticed that Goodreads has declared this to be “Romance Week” so I followed their links to a page naming the Top 100 Romance Novels on Goodreads. I don’t normally read romance novels, so out of 100 novels named, I’ve read only 7 of them, and of those, 4 were classics.
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50 Books to Read Before You Die – My progress on this challenge
I just love book lists – almost as much as I love books themselves. I got this book list from a Goodreads group with the same name as the list. So . . . thought I’d put the list on my blog here to keep track of which books I’ve actually read, and we’ll see how many I get to read before . . . . that morbid thing happens.
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My 2019 Reading Plan and Tentative Schedule
My plan for reading this year is to stay close to the plan I already made for the 2019 PopSugar Reading Challenge. That will provide for a lot of diversity in my reading as I’ll be exposed to genres I wouldn’t otherwise pick up to read. I will also have other books to read, because not everything is covered in that challenge.
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My Progress on the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2019
I’m doing the PopSugar Reading Challenge again in 2019! I won’t start reading the books on this list until January but I’m already choosing books for the 2019 version of the challenge.
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My Progress on the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2018
Updated . . . Once again, for the third year in a row, I’m participating in the PopSugar Reading Challenge.
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Book Lady’s Reading List, 2017
A frequently updated list of books I’m reading during 2017.
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My Progress on the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2017
Yes, I’m doing the PopSugar Reading Challenge again this year. It helped me last year to have a list of books to read, and I got a lot of the books finished (but not all). I’m so glad I did that, so I’m trying it again. [This post was originally published December 30, 2016. I’ve been posting updates throughout the year.] [Read more…]
Book Lady’s Reading List, 2016
What I read in 2016.
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My Progress on the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2016
I wasn’t going to do the PopSugar Reading Challenge for 2016, but I’ve been using Goodreads.com a lot more recently – and that means that I’ve also been participating in my favorite reading group there. The group’s 2016 challenge is this PopSugar Reading Challenge, so, I’ve decided to do it. It is always nice to have reading goals.
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