Blogging is hot. So hot that hundreds of writers with websites have blogs. Many of these websites are nothing more than a blog, and others link to their blogs which are elsewhere on the site. Chances are, if you’re a writer, you either have a blog or have considered creating one. Either way you’ll find that Lorelle Van Fossen is an expert blogger who can help anyone wanting to blog.
Lorelle Van Fossen’s new book, Blogging Tips, is sub-titled: ‘What bloggers won’t tell you about blogging.’ Though I’ve been blogging for nearly six years, I learned more than a few hot tips from Blogging Tips and recommend it for anyone who wants to spend a lot of future time blogging.
The book is comprehensive. It attempts to cover all aspects of blogging including the blogging lifestyle, blog structure, content development, community building, search engine optimization, and blog maintenance. There’s even a short section at the end explaining legal issues that may affect bloggers.
Now that I’ve read through the entire book I plan to keep it nearby as I’ll surely want to refer to it from time to time during my career as a blogger. I’m planning to re-read a few sections this week. With as many blogs as I’m handling at this point, I’m sure to have an unlimited amount of upgrading and improvements to take care of. Blogging Tips is a handy reference guide that will stay with me for years.
One of the vital challenges of blogging for me at this time is to have a plan for each blog. Blogging Tips covers this topic in the chapter on ‘Building Blog Content’. It inspired me to sit down and write a precise game plan for the time I spend working on my blogs. Now instead of thinking, “I need to figure out which blog to upgrade next,” I go straight to my new blogging work calendar and figure out which blog to work on and what kind of post to write there. No wasted time, thinking about how vast the blogging field is.
Each blog, including a blog about writing, needs a specific purpose — a niche with clear parameters in which the blogger promises to operate to cater to a specific set of readers who are looking for that type of content. A publication schedule helps. My new publication schedule is different for each blog I own.
Lorelle Van Fossen, the author of Blogging Tips, can be found on her blog, Lorelle on WordPress. That’s where I found out about her new book, Blogging Tips, and where you can go to buy it too.
This is really cool… I like to showcase my silly throat I have a nice joke for you people! 🙂 When do you need to oil a mouse? When it squeaks.
Odd about the email. I checked and didn’t find it. ARGH. But thank you again for the great review. I really appreciate it! And keep up the great work!
Thanks for the recommendation. I ‘ll check this book out soon.
Thanks for commenting, Lorelle… I sent you an email when I posted this on July 1 – it may somehow have been misplaced. I know I have way too much email to read and am sure you’re often inundated by it too. I will correct the reference to your blog – thanks for pointing that out!
Oh, and I forgot. My blog is called Lorelle on WordPress. 😀
Wow! I almost missed this terrific review of my book. Without a trackback to my site or the Blogging Tips Book official page, I would never have found it. I just stumbled across it searching for something unrelated.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review. So many bloggers think that if they have been blogging for more than a year, they know everything. You and I know that you can never learn enough or know everything about this evolving medium. So I’m thrilled this is of use to you.
And thanks again for the kind words. I’ll add them to my book reviews list.