After a difficult start in my new situation here in the Klamath River Valley, I’m adjusting to the idea that I won’t be going to Arizona this month. Changes are hard to deal with sometimes. This community isn’t new to me, but living in a primitively equipped no-build cargo van in cold weather is not what I’d call great fun… but I’m learning to deal with it and getting things I’ll need to spend the winter here. And, I’m reading again!
Welcome to this November 2019 “living document” page where I share my reading intentions and record progress throughout the month in a diary at the end of the page. When the month is over my writing on this page will be finished.
Goodreads keeps track of books I’ve read this year. Books I’ve read so far in 2019.
My Word of the Month
My Haiku of the Month
Within a cavern
I find fire and friendship
Warmth away from snow
Bible Verse of the Month
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6-7)
Books I plan to read during November, 2019…
☆ – I own a copy of the book
★★ – I own a copy and am currently reading the book
✓ – Finished
↪ – Postponed
↩ – Held over from last month
PSRC = 2019 PopSugar Reading Challenge
★★ Christian: When God Doesn’t Fix It, by Laura Story
I’m reading this book with a Bible study group. We are watching the videos and reading the workbook together. Earlier this week I got the audiobook of the memoir that goes with this Bible study, and I’ve already listened to it, so now I know the whole story of what happened to her husband, not just the parts she mentions in the videos.
★★ Recent Fiction: The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt
The local reading club was reading this book so I got a copy. Nowhere near done, but I like the story, so far. It seems like most of the people in the club have already finished, so I’m behind the group. What else is new? I don’t know what they plan to read next, but I probably won’t read it… just because I need more time to read other books I had planned for this year. If I’m lucky they will decide to read a book I’ve already read.
☆ Recent Fiction: The Overstory, by Richard Powers
This looks like an amazing story and will probably work for the eco-fiction requirement for my 2019 PopSugar Reading Challenge, which is a category I haven’t completed yet. I guess Oryx and Crake will have to wait.
My November Reading Diary
November 3 – Yes, I got this page posted early in the month. The last two months were crazy-busy with moving out, driving south, and getting back into my hometown in the Klamath-Siskiyou mountains. Good to be here, and good to see my son again. Also, good to have time to read more again. I finished reading the memoir version of When God Doesn’t Fix It today. I’ll still be doing the workbook with the Bible study group for a few weeks.
November 4 – I’m back to reading The Goldfinch. Actually, listening to it. This book won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 2014. Mixed reviews. The woman who recommended this book to the book club here said she didn’t like it. So why did she recommend it? I guess I’ll keep listening and find out.
November 5 – I went to the local book club meeting today. There were only two other people there and they both already finished reading The Goldfinch, whereas I’m on chapter 7 out of 12. I must read it this week because next week we’ll start reading The Overstory, which is a book I really wanted to read… it won the Pulitzer Prize this year. I’ve also been using the study guide for When God Doesn’t Fix It, week one, “Don’t Be Surprised by Trouble.” I am nearly done with that section of the workbook.
November 6 – I finished section one in the study guide for When God Doesn’t Fix It, and have been reading more of The Goldfinch. I’m at the end of chapter 7. These chapters are very long. Some are more than three hours, and one chapter is five hours (via audiobook). I don’t want to start any other books now with my need to have this one finished by next Tuesday, for the book club meeting.
November 7 – I’ve started the longest chapter in The Goldfinch. Chapter Ten takes five hours to read via audiobook. Five hours! Is it worth it? I increased the playback speed a little. I.Must.Read.All.Pulitzer.Prize.Winning.Novels . . . . but, is that really what makes life worth living? No matter. In between all the really important things in life, there are still pockets of time when novel reading fits. Novel writing has been an art form for me so novel reading is part of my training. Meanwhile . . . the Christian book, When God Doesn’t Fix It (study guide version) continues. The group I’m reading this with watched the second of five videos today, and afterwards there was a discussion. Picture this. A room with twelve people. Some speak frequently. Some speak occasionally. Four people never utter a word the whole time. I was one of those silent people and really wanted to say something but I guess I wanted a little encouragement, which I didn’t get. I spoke to someone about it after the meeting. Hopefully the quiet people will get more time to talk next week. Until then, I will go through the second section of the workbook and fill in all the responses requested.
November 8 – Busy day! Great blessings! Maybe more another time, about that. Right now I’m waiting for the right time to reveal the location of my next big adventure in life. Something about a cabin in the forest. Seriously top secret at this time. I haven’t read a thing all day, except a certain message forum I’m a regular at.
November 9 – I made some progress reading the very long chapter 10 of The Goldfinch . . .
November 19 – Sorry, gone so long! I had to move my rig again. Moves are always so unsettling, and it takes me a while to start writing here again. This time I moved the cargo trailer up the creek, as they say here – to a location several miles up Indian Creek Road. I’m living in the van and parking at a variety of boondocking locations…. each day is different than the day before. There’s a National Forest here – I can park there (dispersed camping) or park on property owned by friends, or at rest areas… etc. . . . so, I’m keeping options open right now. I’m quite mobile… love that. Books! I finished reading The Goldfinch and am now reading the 2019 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction – The Overstory. Fascinating novel, and well-written. I’m also still reading the Christian book, When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story. Well, I finished the book itself some time back, and am now just working through the workbook along with my weekly Bible study group. Life’s good. Keep on truckin’ … or in my case, vannin’ . . . We’re getting a little rain storm today – unexpected.
November 20 – The book club met yesterday and I discovered I’m a bit ahead of the others reading The Overstory so I gave it a break today and instead, made more progress reading the Christian workbook, When God Doesn’t Fix It. I’m starting chapter four now… there are only five chapters. Meanwhile, my vandwelling life is evolving. I’ve been living in my van since July 2 and am adjusting to it like never before. I think before, I was just struggling to survive, and now I’m suddenly changing my outlook into being happy with what is happening. I will find solutions for the difficulties, and deal with those as they come up.. but I no longer feel like it is a difficult day by day struggle.
November 21 – One thing I’d very much like to start doing again: art… of any kind. I’m trying to keep it simple because I’m living in my van – but I let my art slip away when I moved into the van in July. I had so many things coming at me all at once. The adjustment to van living wasn’t easy for me. I miss art… I miss my art studio. I bought a cargo trailer to become my art studio but it hasn’t developed that far yet. I put my art studio table in there and have used it to cut insulation for my van (Thinsulate insulation – cuts with scissors just like fabric) . . . art hasn’t happened. What I want to do is some sketchbook pen and watercolor drawings, or if I can swing it – some Bible journaling type art. That’s what’s on my mind these days. Today… I don’t know. Haven’t read a thing today, except the book of Colossians in the Bible…
November 24 – Where has the time gone? We’re anticipating a storm this week and I’ve been working on van insulation issues. I’ve nearly done all I plan to do as far as gluing Thinsulate to the interior ceiling and sidewalls of my cargo van. I have a few more sections to finish… then need to spend time at my cargo trailer, which has electricity, to sew curtains with Thinsulate inside, to insulate the 4 windows and the space between the cab and my living space. There’s much to do – and I’m happy I’ll have a warmer place to live this winter as soon as this is done. I still haven’t done anything remotely artistic. I have made progress toward music making, but that’s something I haven’t mentioned here before. I feel the time to talk or write about it is when I have something worth writing about. Just saying, this plan is in motion and I’m kind of excited about it. Reading – I’m up to date on my Christian workbook, When God Doesn’t Fix It . . . near the end of chapter four. I guess we’re not having a Bible study this week because of Thanksgiving, and since I’ll be around family next week I want to finish chapter five this week before they get here. I’ve also made some progress with The Overstory but the book hasn’t really grabbed me and not let go . . . I’m reading that one for our Tuesday book club meetings. I should probably read more of it this evening.
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