I am amazed at the number of people who look for jobs online or off, who could instead be building momentum to create their own online small business. No great thing is accomplished overnight, and there’s no such thing as easy money online, unless you’re just looking for dribbles and tiny paystreams.
Personally, I’m no longer looking for small amounts of extra cash. The internet has become my retirement income source… and I’m building it now so I’ll continue to be prosperous during my later years in life. (I’m currently 58, soon to be 59.) Fortunately, there’s plenty of money to be made. We’ve got an abundant supply in the worldwide internet marketplace, but clicking on links for a living … c’mon, that’s hilarious! You can’t support your family in style that way! There are better options and it really is up to you to seek them out.
People who are making the big bucks online go after it as a true business. Quite often before long their business is successful enough that they’re seeking out freelance help – online, of course. If you’re desperate for money you may be happy to write articles at five dollars a whack. Some people are so good at this they can write five or more articles in a day, but that generally works better for people living in countries with a low cost of living. In my country twenty-five dollars a day is barely enough to live on, and that’s only if there’s a second working person in the home bringing in more money.
There are better ways! I’m just saying this because I want everyone to succeed and become prosperous.
My vision for a wonderful world is to have enough money flowing that absolutely nobody is left out of abundant prosperity. Our current financial structures in the world are designed to keep most people as wage-slaves, so desperate for cash that they’re willing to give at least forty hours per week of their P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S time to someone else. For a pittance, compared to what internet marketers are making. People go home from work tired, unable to really enjoy the rest of their day, then get up the next morning and repeat the process. And if they by chance lose their jobs, they’re in a tizzy. Do you know this person? Is it you?
If the job is lost, there’s a desperate search for another time-robbing job for a pittance of a paycheck.
Break out, already, would you? I mean, if you want to. If freedom of time and the opportunity to run your own life is important to you. The only reason people are trapped in low-pay jobs is that they’re afraid to become more independent.
Fear is a strange thing… and totally endemic in our society. Fear is what controls you. Fear is what T-H-E-Y are using to control the people here. We’re in a mind-control society, but it is time to end that, to learn what mental freedom is. And slowly but surely people are becoming more aware, and the world is transforming one spirit at a time.
Your spirit could be one of them. If you’re still tied to a job but you’re not happy about working for someone else, consider this: that there are options. You can learn to live a different way. It may involve reducing your expenditures, moving to a much more humble dwelling, and becoming a bit miserly. It may mean giving up the TV set because you’re so busy generating money without a job that you don’t have time for the brainwashing machine.
You might start thinking for yourself more, generating insights and intuitions, listening to your hunches, trying new things, and really becoming the creative spirit you were meant to be.
It is my goal to help people break out and away from the mass mentality of sleep-consciousness. I want people to really live, and to thrive, and to celebrate their lives rather than just survive them.
More later. I hope you’re enjoying the change of seasons. Here in the northern hemisphere we’ve been waiting for summer for a long time. Spring rainstorms persisted… and soon the hot days will come. But just imagine … what might it mean if they didn’t ever come. Can you imagine a summer without daily sunshine? There’s a scenario for a book!
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