Politics are divisive.
I do not agree with the way some of my writing friends feel about politics, and if I express my understanding of reality it will cause an argument between us.
Wouldn’t it be better for us not to discuss politics, if we want to remain friends?
I spent more than thirty years in a religion in which discussion of politics was forbidden, for that exact reason. It worked great. Everyone kept their political ideologies to themselves and then voted according to their conscience. We stayed united as a group.
If your group is about religion, sewing, art, plumbing, gardening, or anything, why should politics be allowed to divide people?
The political tensions in my country, the United States, are extreme at this time. It isn’t a happy situation. We’re divided between socialism and those who want the Constitution of the USA to be restored and honored.
Emotions are involved. MY emotions are involved.
I should not be talking about politics.
But also I should not have to stuff my feelings and listen to a room full of people with beliefs that I believe are killing our country while they all agree with each other.
You have no idea how much pain this is causing me.
I feel so alone. I don’t want to start an argument, which is what will happen if I express my beliefs and feelings in that group.
I am so negatively affected by political discussion at this time I won’t even listen to the political commentators I agree with. It is detrimental to my health.
All I can do is back off and give these people room to enjoy their political beliefs and share them with each other. They seem to enjoy doing that. I am the only one who is hurting inside because of it. So I feel like leaving… and apparently, that’s what I must do.
What are you going to DO?
If you can’t do anything to change a situation, why talk about it? And especially, why expect someone else to DO something?
I have a friend who is upset because nobody will do anything about the situation in the world. That friend isn’t doing anything about it, except to back out of society and not be part of it.
I put the same ethic to my own activities. If I can’t DO something to fix what’s wrong, why focus on it? It is much better to focus on what makes me happy – and that is spirituality.
Yes, fifteen minutes of meditation can pull me out of the human drama and remind me that we are spirits experiencing a scenario, and that we don’t need to be emotionally involved and mired in painful situations.
I would rather withdraw from the world, find my equilibrium, and enjoy my existence until I die. We’re all going to die and I hope I don’t waste my time on earth arguing about political situations that I can’t DO anything about anyway.
I do what I can
A friend recently said to me, “Don’t criticize until you specialize, and once you specialize prepare to be criticized.”
I have specialized.
I specialize in helping families falsely accused of child abuse or neglect.
That’s as political as I need to get, however I don’t approach my work from a political viewpoint, most of the time.
Child abuse and neglect is a political topic because the issue is subject to legislation, and it is that legislation that has created the injustices now endemic in the child welfare system.
Long ago, however, I realized that I can’t have any effect on the federal laws that are causing problems. Even with protests, visits to federal legislators, and constant pleas for help, these legislators are not listening to us and are not brave enough to stand for what is right.
Therefore my work is to help those falsely accused people who come to my site, FightCPS, to prepare for success when they return to Juvenile Court. This is something I can do because I have paralegal training and a way to reach the people who need the help.
This is what I do… something I CAN do.
Political discussions don’t help anyone.
All they do is drive wedges between people that otherwise love and care for one another.
Count me out.
I also hate politics. The way our politicians behave in there parliament makes you wonder what kind of example they think they are setting for the children that see their bad behavior on TV.
There is a rule for them and another for us mere mortals. Why is it that bad behavior is always shown on TV, someone behaves bad or has an out of marriage relationship or gets drunk it is all over the TV. We need to ignore them and do our own thing.
Often we change chanels on TV when they keep on about someone going off the rails.
And Reality TV well I had better not even start on them.
Good Article. thanks
I run into this problem a lot. People start talking politics as if they know everyone agrees with them. So far I’ve just kept my mouth shut because it will cause an argument, but I can only do it for so long.
I tried not saying anything… but it is like anything, if you stuff your emotions they only come out later and the effect is often worse.
Hey Linda. =) I can totally see your reasoning behind not wanting to partake in political discussion..It definitely has the potential to divide. But I also think it has the potential to awaken, inform and open minds. There are some people that I just won’t talk about that kinda stuff with because they aren’t open to anything other than their opinion…But when two people are willing to let go of the control and genuinely listen to another point of view, it can be mindblowing! And I just kinda like a good debate every so often, personally. =)
But if staying out of it brings peace to you, then good for you! I’m glad you’re doing what’s right for your well-being, Linda. Just wanted to give another perspective.
Really, my opinion is that nobody should force their political thoughts on another because so many of us are rubbed raw by that.
Thank you for sharing your view Linda. We used to have luncheons once a month for Happy Camp ladies, and the rules were no talking politics, what church you attended, weight, age and I forgot the other topic. But it helped to keep everyone on more helpful topics, seems like we enjoyed talking about children,gardening, and that sort of thing, things in our lives that we had in common.
Seems like a good idea!
Thanks for coming by and reading, and leaving a comment, Judy! I am just gearing up for election year madness during which people get over-excited (in my opinion) about their candidates and sometimes forget that I really don’t want to hear about it. I don’t even plan to vote this year. If I thought that the candidates really had true love for humanity and compassion for those needing it, I’d be more inclined to vote for somebody. But politics has become about power and egos and I really don’t respect it much. Yes, there are places to talk about politics, but a writer’s group doesn’t seem like the right place. I don’t want anything to divide us.