Don’t quit
Others have succeeded – and so can you. The key to success is to keep trying. Don’t quit. Quitting is the swift route to failure and you must not fail. You cannot fail. So regard quitting as the one thing you absolutely cannot do.
If one method of business doesn’t work, try something else. So long as you have a passion for your business you will make progress.
Don’t expect immediate response – it usually doesn’t happen right away. Create a buzz about your product or service, and gradually business will come your way – so long as you do not quit.
How to keep your enthusiasm at high pitch
When you wake up each morning – before you get out of bed – think about what you can do to make progress that day. Take note of what’s on the top of your mind. That’s a priority!
Keep track of how your time is spent. Are there tasks you need to complete that never seem to get done? Schedule them in. Your time is valuable. Organize it. I recommend Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen. I’m using his system and find that the more I implement and use his methods, the more I get done without stressing over everything I can’t get done. I feel organized.
Sometimes a change of location will inspire new enthusiasm for a business project. Take it downtown to the local coffeehouse and brainstorm new methods and approaches to attaining your goals.
Cultivate associations that are positive and who encourage you. Avoid people who want to rain on your parade, discourage and depress you. Your positive outlook is an important element of business success. Guard it carefully from the negative, jealous, nay-sayers.
I have to admit, I saw the vintage pink typewrite graphic on FuelMyBlog and was curious, so I came to visit.
I just wrote a similar article on owning your writing and believing in yourself. Seems to be a common theme for last month with writers.
I like that your post was short and to the point. No filler. Nice.
I’m a fantasy and horror writer .
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