I have to be thankful. I’m still alive, still relatively healthy, and still enjoying life. So many people can’t say this, and my heart goes out to all who suffer. I believe this world isn’t the only place, that we’ll have another world to go to after we leave here. What we do here is very important and will have an effect on whatever happens next.
There are some parts of my work that are worthwhile in the sense that I am helping others who are grieving and traumatized. I can’t fix everything but I can lend a helping hand. I’m grateful to be able to do that. I have a friend who has no idea how to help others. My friend feels that’s needed as an integral part of life, but something prevents it from happening. But I’ve found my niche for helping others, based on the difficulties I’ve had in my own life. I’m glad I can help.
Other parts of my work don’t feel as necessary. I have a novel – soon to be published – that I wrote mainly for the children of my town. Of course I hope others will love it too. My novel is a contribution to the world’s literature, but feels more like a hobby than like a necessity. Books are great and I love fiction, but this can’t be the main reason I’m alive. Well, probably not, anyhow. In any case, I’m grateful that I was able to write the book and that it will soon be published.
Yet another part of my work day is devoted to plain old making money. I do a lot of things that are practically worthless to humankind other than the benefit that will come to me because I’ll have money to spend. I’m grateful for that. God knows I need an income. But in the afterlife I don’t think I’ll look back on these web pages I’m making and think of what a great thing I did. Money is pretty empty once you’ve gone on to the next world.
Most of all I look on my fellow human beings, and note that we’re all vulnerable. So many are sick and injured, and suffering, and dying young. My heart aches thinking about these people. I am grateful to still be alive and able to work. I am grateful for that, I know how fortunate I’ve been, I wonder why we all have such different lives, and I live one day at a time.
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