Six years ago a man told me he thought it was sad that our small town didn’t have a drum circle.
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Creativity Recordings
In Mt. Shasta I picked up a Hemi-Sync CD – this one has a modern rendition of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons added to it. It is called Seasons at Roberts Mountain. I live with a Robert and he loves mountains, but that’s not why I got this CD. The CD is supposed to have the vibrations for enhanced learning and creativity. Creativity is the core of my spiritual practice, so anything that encourages my creativity is greatly appreciated. So far I’m enjoying the CD. It took me a few minutes to get used to the new age rendition of the Four Seasons. That’s one of my favorite classical pieces, and I’ve never heard it quite like this before. Modernistic, but pleasant. Relaxing. Happy-making. Serene and peaceful. Joyful… and endearing.
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Keeping The Home Fires Burning While Writing Novels
It is that fireplace time of year, and we have no wood, so how am I to keep the home fires burning? When I came to the Klamath River Valley to live – nearly twelve years ago – I had no idea how to heat a house with firewood. It is primitive! That’s certain! I was a San Francisco Bay Area girl born and bred, and was used to turning up the thermostat to keep warm. Nothing more.
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Writing Novels for Your Activist Agenda
I love the idea of writing novels to express social justice issues of importance to activists. However, how viable an idea is that? Is the time spent on writing a novel cost-effective? Will it bring the attention you need to the cause you’re passionate about? And speaking of passion, how much emotion can you put into that novel so that readers will truly be swayed to accept and even adopt your position?
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Failure Is Not An Option
Don’t quit
Others have succeeded – and so can you. The key to success is to keep trying. Don’t quit. Quitting is the swift route to failure and you must not fail. You cannot fail. So regard quitting as the one thing you absolutely cannot do.
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Last Day of NaNo…
Thank goodness NaNoWriMo is over for 2009… for most of us. I know there are some out there still madly pounding away at their keyboards hoping to get to 50K before midnight. I know because I’ve done it myself, once or twice. But most of us have walked away already secure in the knowledge that if we can write 50,000 words on a novel in less than thirty days, we can do almost anything.
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One Hundred Words
Is it hard to write one hundred words? I think most of us wouldn’t have any trouble with that. One hundred words – that’s an easy task.
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Love Your Writing to Life
A lot has been written about how difficult and tedious writing can be. But what of love? If you sit in your chair thinking negative thoughts about how hard it is to get any words on the page, is that going to be better than actually enjoying your writing process?
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Reaching Toward Goals
If you don’t have a goal you can’t reach for it. I’m sure most of you have decided to write a certain number of words daily. If not, you might want to give that a try.
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Tearing Down the Illusions
So, did you think it was going to be easy? I expect by now you’ve had time to sit down at your keyboard and type out a few lines. Go-getters are already 10,000 words into this. Many others have made it to 2000 words. Others are self-flagellating and wondering why it is so hard to reach even 200 words!
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The Day Before NaNo . . .
I’m not going to take time to write one of those ‘Night Before Christmas’ parodies — no, I’m way too busy today wondering if I’m really ready to start writing that novel tonight. Do I know my character well enough? Do I have adequate plot points to inspire me throughout the month?
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Today’s Word is ‘Determination’
For those who would like to know how I made it through eight NaNoWriMos successfully, I have this bit of advice. What worked for me DETERMINATION. If you have the desire to write a novel in November, you have to be really, really sure you want it.
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